Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Charis FD - Your Friend in Finance

I hope that you found the New Subscriber series of articles helpful over the last two months. They were designed to cover the full range of issues that form part of our business financial management model, centred on the Business Performance Management wheel. All the areas are designed to help you take control of the business finances and manage the finances intentionally.

The purpose of doing the series, apart from giving you some helpful advice, was to do two things:

Firstly, I hoped to demonstrate that Charis FD has a rational model for business financial management, a model that makes sense and covers all the important challenges that you face in making money in your SME.

Second, I hoped to give you an insight into the role that a Finance Director can play in your business. Many small business owners have built their businesses on their own, and whilst they may have met Finance Directors they don't really know exactly what they do or why they might need one.

There is a common misconception that Finance Directors and Finance people in general are simply "bean counters". They punch the numbers into the system and tell you how much money you are making. But you will have gathered by now that there is much more that they can offer. They can help you to be clear on your strategy, to plan effectively; they can help you decide which actions are worth doing, what changes will add value; they can help you measure and monitor business performance and analyse it in order to help make effective decisions; they can help you manage stakeholders; and they can help to manage risk and put in place an internal control system to help to prevent losses and errors.

But here is the tension that you may be feeling now: You can see where your business would benefit from getting better in all the areas we've talked about. But you don't have the time or the confidence in doing it yourself. But neither do you have enough money to employ someone full-time to be a Finance Director in your business and sort it all out. And, to be honest, it may not be a full time job if your business is in the under-£20m turnover bracket.

If that's what you are feeling, then Charis FD's service may be for you. We specialise in delivering assistance to people like you in a flexible and affordable way. Our service has broadly four levels, depending on your needs and your budget. We can provide you with a programme of assistance, combining telephone and email support with a varying number of days onsite working with you. We could be with you as little as one day per month or as much as two days a week.

Our aim is to give you confidence in managing the business finances, which will lead to, amongst other things, improved profitability and better cashflow.

If you want to talk to us, we're quite happy to give you a call to talk more about your business and the challenges you face. And you may be eligible for a free Finance Strategy Review session. To set that up either email us at enquiries@charisfd.com, remembering to leave your phone number and email address; or go to our website and complete the contact form.

If you want to look back on any of the previous email newsletters we have sent, they are on the Creative Finance & Management blog.

Thanks again for subscribing to Creative Finance & Management. We hope you find it helpful.

© Charis Business Consulting Limited 2009

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